What were the territorial and military consequnces
of the fur trade on New France?
Territorial Consequences
The most important territorial consequence for New France was
the growth of its territory.
Over a period of one hundred fifty years New France's territory spread
from a tiny colony on the St. Lawrence River to one that extended from
the Atlantic to the Prairies, and from the lands surrounding Hudson Bay
to the Gulf of Mexico. The demands of the fur trade
and missionary zeal led to the exploration of the continent by explorers
such as Jolliet and Marquette, LaVérendrye,
Father Albanel and Radisson.
Military Consequences
The fur trade brought about a series of
alliances with the Native populations.
The French allied themselves with the Hurons and Algonquians while the
Dutch, and later the English, allied themselves with the Iroquois. This
led to numerous battles and skirmishes between the Europeans and their
Native allies over the control of the fur trade. In 1649, the Hurons were
destroyed by the Iroquois forcing the French to use coureurs
de bois as their middlemen in the fur trade.
The expansion of New France's territory also brought
about the
encirclement of the English colonies.
The English felt threatened by this since their own expansion westwards
and their access to fur resources was now limited . This as well leads
to numerous battles and wars and to the eventual conquest
of New France by the English in 1760.
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