Games Tournament
INSTRUCTIONS : 1. Select a name for your cooperative team. 2. With your Cooperative Team, study or review Module: _____
Note: For each module there are two Hypercard stacks. One is titled Module -- Review, and the other is titled
Each review consists of approximiately 35 questions from past MEQ examinations. At this stage it is not possible to answer
these questions; the answer buttons have been de-activated for this stage
3. Move to your Tournament Team (pairs or groups
of three)
Each member of the new Tournament Team receives an individual Tally Sheet which he/she brings with them. Each member of the Tournament Team get a a
chance to read and answer a question. The recorder marks points
4. After the tournament, return to your Cooperative Team with your individual score. 5. Calculate a total Cooperative Team score
by adding individual scores. Record the total on your Cooperative
6. Winning teams will be recognized. ** A variation permits the teacher to allow
more than one attempt per question by assigning 2 marks for a correct answer
on the first attempt and 1 mark for a correct mark on a second attempt
on the same question.