How was Responsible Government achieved?


In the 1848 election, the Reformers led by Baldwin and Lafontaine won a large majority of the seats in the legislative assembly. 

Lord Elgin, the new Governor of Canada, asked them to form the government. 

Baldwin and Lafontaine appoint an executive council or cabinet from members of their own party and this council, with the approval of the assembly, was to formulate government policy.

Test for Responsible Government
  • In 1849, the Rebellion Losses Bill, which would compensate persons who had suffered property damage in Lower Canada during the rebellion, was approved by the executive council (cabinet) and passed by the legislative assembly.
  • Lord Elgin, although personally against the bill, signed it on the grounds that under responsible government he was bound to follow the advice of the executive council.


  • To show their displeasure English Tories, who were against the principles of responsible government and against the Rebellion Losses Bill, burned down the Parliament buildings in Montreal.
  • In the same year the Tories and English commercial interests issued the Annexation Manifesto advocating the annexation of Canada by the United States.
Try the following questions on Act of Union and responsible government.