How did Canadians contribute to the war effort ?

Canadians contributed to the war effort both militarily speaking and on the home front.

Military Involvement
Canadian soldiers participated  in major battles at Dieppe and D-Day. They were also involved in
Hong Kong, in various battles throughout Italy, and in the liberation of Holland. They fought the
German Nazis in the air, on the sea and on land.

In all :

On June 6th in 1944, the greatest combined military force ever assembled launched the
invasion of Europe on the beaches of Normandy, France. Ten thousand soldiers were killed
or wounded that day. Here is part of a report on the assualt from CBC Radio's outstanding
war correspondent, Matthew Halton.[182Kb]

The Home Front

Wartime production
By the end of the war 
Canada had produced:

  • 16, 000 aircraft
  • 741 naval vessels
  • 800,000 transport vehicules
  • 55,000 tanks and armoured vehicules
  • 149,000 heavy guns,

    133 million rounds of heavy ammunition and 5 billion rounds for small arms

Wartime restrictions
  • In 1942 rationing (fixed amounts in time of scarcity or war) came about-  butter, coffee, sugar, meat, and gasoline were some of the items that were rationed.
  • Rubber, glass, old saucepans and toothpaste tubes (aluminum) were recycled for military production.
  • Government controlled prices and wages to prevent inflation.

    The federal government centralized control over production by taking control over resources from the provinces.

Try the following questions on Canada's war effort.