Why did workers in Quebec begin
to form unions in the late 19th century?
Working conditions in
plants and factories were difficult:

Workers worked between ten and twelve hours a day, six days a week
most workers earned less than $10. a week
factories employed women and children
and paid them lower wages
employers were not concerned with the health and security
of their workers
Unionized workers would go on strike to try
and improve their working conditions. Many of
these were brutally repressed since neither the church nor the government
supported the
union movement. The union movement did eventually have an impact
on labour legislation in Quebec.
In 1885, the Quebec government passed laws which
prohibited employers from hiring girls under the age of 14 and boys
under the age of 12
limited working hours to 60 hours for women and children and 72.5 hours
for men
Try the following questions on unions and social
changes (emigration, urbanization, unionization) in Quebec following
the first phase of industrialization.