What consequences did the American Revolution have on the British colony of Quebec?

In 1783, the Treaty of Versailles recognized the independence of the United States of America
(formerly the 13 Colonies). The American Revolution and its subsequent independence had a
tremendous impact on the the Province of Quebec.
Consequences for the Province of Quebec
  • It demonstrated that the policies established by Governor Carleton in 1774 were not exactly successful. When the Americans invaded Quebec in late 1775, the habitants remained neutral despite urgings from church leaders to fight with the British against the American invaders. 
  • The Ohio Valley became part of the  United States of America forcing fur traders from Montreal to shift to the area northwest of Lake Superior. In 1783, Montreal fur traders founded the North West Company to compete with the Hudson's Bay Company.
  • Thousands of  Loyalists, (Americans who had remained loyal to the British crown during theAmerican Revolution)

  • including many Blacks, came to British North America. About 6000 Loyalists settled in Quebec increasing Quebec's English population. Their arrival leads to the eventual passage of the Constitutional Act in 1791. This Act divides the Province of Quebec into two territories, Upper Canada and Lower Canada, and grants each province an elected legislative assembly.

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